
Vision Statement

Stephenson Area Public Schools strives to be the premier educational provider of our area.

Students, families and staff will embrace their responsibility for learning and behavior.
Staff is dedicated to continuous improvement by providing each student with a challenging, individualized educational program.
Students will be inspired to achieve and empowered to succeed as contributing members of society.

Beliefs Statement

We at Stephenson Area Public Schools believe:

E          Excellence                                 P          Positive

A         Accountability                              R          Responsibility

G         Goal Driven                                 I           Integrity

L          Leadership                                  D         Dedicated

E          Encouragement                          E          Empowered

Charter Schools: SAPS is not actively seeking charter contracts.  The SAPS Superintendent would be the initial designee to consider any such applications.

District Annual Education Report 20-21:  AER Report

Title IX Sexual Harassment Compliance officers:

Christian Londo - clondo@stephenson.k12.mi.us

Marcia Cross - mcross@stephenson.k12.mi.us


Thrun Law Firm’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Comprehensive Training:

Susanne Carpenter

Christian Londo

Marcia Cross

Stephenson Area Public Schools

W526 Division Street
Stephenson, MI 49887
Susanne Carpenter
Pat Marciniak
Transportation / Maintenance
Christian Londo
K-12 Principal/Athletic Director
Josh Jones
K-12 Assistant Principal
Marcia Cross
Student Success Coordinator
Alison Granquist
Social Worker
Renea Oskwarek
Administrative Assistant
Nicole Downing
Food Service Supervisor